52 Changes for 2013

By Leo Babauta

The New Year somehow brings out the desire, always present but usually at a hum rather than a buzz, to make changes in your life. It’s a fresh start, a time of renewal and optimism and determination.

I’ve written a guide to help you make those changes.

Actually, it can be done anytime, whether in January or June — just pick one of the 52 changes in the book, and start on the plan.

One change a week. The 52 changes I recommend. A plan for each.

The inspiration for the book came from a desire to help people learn to make profound changes through doing, and to show the world how life changing habits can be made in small steps.

The price of the ebook is $10, or free if you enroll in the Sea Change program. If you’d like to purchase a copy of the ebook, simply click the Add to Cart button below. If you’re in the Sea Change program there’s a download link in the members area.

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Table of Contents

The book, as always, is uncopyrighted.

Buy the book here for $10:

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Questions & Answers

Q: I’m currently enrolled in the Sea Change program. How do I get my free copy of the book?

A: There’s a download link in the account page … see the members area.

Q: I was enrolled in the Sea Change program, but am not currently – can I get the book for free?

A: Unfortunately no. However, you can enroll in Sea Change for just $10/month now.

Q: I just bought the book but don’t know what to do next. How do I get it?

A: You should receive an email (the one you used to pay for the book) that contains a download link. You only get 5 attempts to download the file, so don’t click on it until you’re at the computer you want to download the book to. the download should contain the book with several files, including a PDF, Kindle (.mobi) file, epub file, and a “readme” file.

Q: But I never received an email with a download link … what now?

A: No worries … just email Dean at contact@zenhabits.net, and let him know you bought “52 changes” but didn’t receive the link, and he’ll send it to you.

Q: What about an audiobook or print version?

A: Just digital.

Q: Can I get it on Kindle, iBooks, or other ebook format?

A: When you purchase the book, you’ll be send epub and mobi versions that viewed on all mobile devices.

Q: How do I read it on my iPad/iPhone?

A: Unzip the package on your computer, then drag the epub version into iTunes on your computer. Then sync the iPad or iPhone with iTunes on your computer, and the book should now appear in the iBooks app on your iPad/iPhone. Detailed instructions.

Q: How do I read it on my Kindle/Android tablet?

A: Unzip the package on your computer, connect the Kindle/Android table to your computer, open the tablet’s drive on your computer, and drag the “mobi” version of the ebook into the documents folder on your tablet.

Q: Is there an affiliate program for the ebook?

A: No.

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